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次へ: Notes about HTTP proxy 上へ: 拡張されたファイル名のシンタックス 戻る: 概観   目次


The type of file determines the medium on which the file is located (e.g., disk or network) and, hence, which internal device driver is used by CFITSIO to read and/or write the file. Currently supported types are

        file://  - file on local magnetic disk (default)
        ftp://   - a readonly file accessed with the anonymous FTP protocol.
                   It also supports  ftp://username:password@hostname/...
                   for accessing password-protected ftp sites.
        http://  - a readonly file accessed with the HTTP protocol.  It
                   supports username:password just like the ftp driver.
                   Proxy HTTP servers are supported using the http_proxy
                   environment variable (see following note).
      stream://  - special driver to read an input FITS file from the stdin
                   stream, and/or write an output FITS file to the stdout
		   stream.  This driver is fragile and has limited
		   functionality (see the following note).
      gsiftp://  - access files on a computational grid using the gridftp
                   protocol in the Globus toolkit (see following note).
        root://  - uses the CERN root protocol for writing as well as
                   reading files over the network.
        shmem:// - opens or creates a file which persists in the computer's
                   shared memory.
        mem://   - opens a temporary file in core memory.  The file
                   disappears when the program exits so this is mainly
                   useful for test purposes when a permanent output file
                   is not desired.
If the filetype is not specified, then type file:// is assumed. The double slashes '//' are optional and may be omitted in most cases.


HAMABE Masaru 平成22年9月17日